Friday, June 12, 2015

DMN 06/05/15 - Zombeavers

Belated decision: Drunk Movie Night! Tonight's feature is Zombeavers. Standard disclaimers apply.

  • "You know, I dated a guy once."
  • "My friend told me I can't shit in his house anymore."
  • Plot point! That's why you should always watch out for deer.
  • You know a movie is going to be good when it has someone named "Hutch" in it.
  • MDYou picked that from Netflix?!?! The cover looks gross to me so I don't dare touch it lol
  • But when there's a guy named Chadwick something or other doing casting, what can you expect?
  • MD, I expect it to be thoroughly stupid and hopefully thoroughly entertaining.
  • [post about this blog]
  • MD: OMG !!!! haha that's classic
  • "Umm, they're out of toilet paper. I had to use my hands."
  • Somebody had to write this shit. My brain hurts.
  • I wonder how writers decide on the population for fictional towns.
  • Beavered! Maybe?
  • "Go kill some squirrels buddy. Kill 'em good!"
  • "Oh. I see."
  • Isn't the whole point of a cabin in the middle of nowhere to not have neighbors? Why do they have neighbors?
  • "It smells like wood." That's what she said!
  • Good question. Why are girls attracted to such assholes?
  • From a coverage perspective, that bra is completely useless.
  • Boobies!
  • Teenage mutant ninja beavers?
  • "Here, beaver beaver beaver."
  • Da bears.
  • "Okay, he's a creeper."
  • "I did it by the air, bitch!"
  • Okay, that "guy" is definitely setting off the gaydar.
  • Archer! What part of this do you not understand? Uh... core concept, I guess.
  • It just got more awkward. You were wrong.
  • "Oh! I feel like a Power Ranger!"
  • That is an angry fucking beaver.
  • "That's gnarly." Yes. Yes it is. Zombie beavers are fucking gnarly.
  • Pretty sure "safety orgy" isn't a thing.
  • The water is not way safer than in the cabin.
  • Is that guy seriously wearing a fucking beanie in the water?
  • No, that's not blood. It's that other red stuff that appears in the lake after somebody gets their foot bitten off.
  • I'm pretty sure that would still be bleeding.
  • Jen is where it's safe, because she's not a fucking moron.
  • Holy shit, that beaver has hops.
  • Hey guys, I'm a beaver! And you're in a cabin made of wood! Which, for some reason, I can't chew through.
  • "Oh gimme a break, it's a dog." On the one hand, I can sympathize with him. On the other hand, he's wearing a v-neck, so... probably a douchebag.
  • On the other hand, we can chew through trees miles down the road to keep you from getting away.
  • He literally just told you what you were going to do.
  • Holy shit, that beaver had hops. 
  • "Yeah. Crazy fuckin' babies."
  • "Beavers like to chew on shit."
  • "What'ya got there? Sandwich?" "No, it's Buck's foot."
  • Wait, where the fuck did he get a chicken leg?
  • Oh, the fridge. That makes sense.
  • That sounded like a king beaver.
  • I think one of these characters is a wannabe Parker Posey.
  • Flaming beaver!
  • Wait, where did he get the gun from?
  • There's the king beaver.
  • Windshields are specifically designed to not break like that.
  • That poor beaver just got pounded.
  • Wait a minute... that was a double-headed axe 30 minutes ago.
  • The end!